Thursday, September 20, 2018

Celebrate The Holiday Season With Santa Bruce+ Giveaway #SantaBruceBook

*DISCLOSURE* Disney Book Group is partnering with me for a giveaway.  All thoughts are strictly my own.

This year has really flown by! Fall is practically here and before you know it, it'll be Halloween.  The holiday season is truly around the corner and the days of 2018 are numbered.  Over the next few months, people will begin to get into the holiday spirit and have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for. It's always fun to get kids into the joys of the season and what better way to do so then with a themed book?

Santa Bruce is a children's book written by author and illustrator Ryan T. Higgins.  Bruce is a lot of things including a bear, and a decent cook.  It's safe to say that he is a grump too since he does not enjoy the holidays.  One thing that Bruce is not is Santa Claus.  Thanks to a case of mistaken identity, the whole forest has lined up to give him their Christmas wishes.  This bear just cannot catch a break and children will enjoy the story.

I'm lucky that Scarlett is an avid reader.  Whenever a new book enters through our front door, she's always interested.  She's at an age where she now knows who Santa is and has questions about him.

From the moment I showed Scarlett the book meant for ages 3+, she was very interested.  The front cover is filled with vividly drawn animals and one very angry and frustrated bear! She thought his mad face was funny and I knew she'd be drawn into the story.

The illustrations on each page fill the entire page and are very detailed.  Poor Bruce can't seem to shake the fact that all of the forest animals want him to be excited for Christmas when all he wants to do is be alone and sleep.  He finally gives in and becomes Santa Bruce for one night, doing the job of Santa and delivering presents to all of the forest animals.  All of the animals are thrilled with Bruce's holiday spirit and celebrate with a big dinner.  Bruce just wants it all to be over so he can get back to his regular life.

The book is certainly unlike any I've ever seen or read before.  Children will be captivated throughout the entire book wondering what happens next. Scarlett enjoyed all of Santa Bruce's bad luck and was laughing throughout it.  She also wanted Santa Bruce to deliver presents to her on Christmas, but I said that wouldn't be happening!

If you're looking for a new holiday tradition with to have with your young children, why not have hot cocoa and cookies on Christmas Eve while reading this book? It can surely become a yearly tradition that everyone will look forward to.  Make sure the cookies are chocolate chip and freshly baked to ensure a crowd-pleasing response!

The holiday season is full of magic and joy and it only comes around once per year.  It's never too early or too late to start traditions that will bring smiles and joy with long lasting memories.  


  1. I'd like to win because this book looks adorable!

  2. My grandson would just love this book!!

  3. My almost 4 year old granddaughter would enjoy this book so much. I would love to win for her.

  4. I would love to win because my son loves to read and this would be an awesome read for him!

  5. I would love to win this for my niece she would love it. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize

  6. I'd love to win and share this book with my son James, he is 4.

  7. Love the Holidays! Nwladyspencer.

    aka - Laura

  8. I'd love to win it for my daughter. She loved Mother Bruce and would get a kick out of Santa Bruce!

  9. This looks like a really cute book to read to my youngest.

  10. Ryan Higgins is a freat writer my boy has read two of his books prior Id love to have this one to add to his collection we love the illustrations and the $50 Visa card will come in handy for Halloween costuming

  11. I would like to win this prize package for my nephew for his upcoming birthday.

  12. My daughter would love this book.

  13. I cannot wait to read this book, it looks so great

  14. Lovely chance, thanks for this.. Christmas is here soon

  15. I would enjoy gifting this adorable children's story book to a church youth group for them to share. What a fun story especially during the holidays. And my how your little one has grown. I have followed #Sammi's blog of Life for a long time and my grandson is growing that fast too. This #SantaBruce #Christmas #StoryBook set is so sweet.

  16. I'd like to give the book to my niece, and the gift card certainly will come in handy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  17. I think my daughter would like the book.

  18. I would love to win this because my friend's daughter would love Santa Bruce.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  19. I would love to share this with my grand daughter.

  20. I would love to win for my nieces who would enjoy the book.

  21. I would like to win this for my daughter, she would enjoy the book and we would go shopping.

  22. I'd love to win this prize pack because my grandsons would really enjoy this book!

  23. I'd love to win this for my son. I think that he would really enjoy this book. It sounds adorable.

  24. I would like to win to read the book to my son at Christmas!

  25. I love reading to my grandsons and this looks like a fun book to add to their library.

  26. I would like to win this because my son would love the book

  27. I love Christmas ornaments of all kinds and colors. I also have not had a visa gift card
    in a really long time!

  28. I would love the book for my nephew when he comes to visit.

  29. I want to win because my son loves books
    Ashley C
    Addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  30. My grandson would enjoy reading this book.

  31. I would love to win this prize because my niece loves to read and would enjoy this book! The gift card would be helpful for Christmas presents.

  32. I would love to win this for my kids.

  33. I would love to add this to my collection of books to read to my grandchildren.

  34. I would love to win this for my grandson. Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. I would love to win this because the book would be perfect for my nephew. I know he'd really enjoy it!

  36. this looks like a fun book to share with my 5 year old grandson

  37. Someone in my family will love this!

  38. I would like to win this prize pack to give to my cousins.

  39. I would love to win this because my son would love it.

  40. I would like to win this for my daughter. I think she would love it.

  41. We have read Bruce books and loved them, would love to read the new Santa Bruce.

  42. Would love to win this so I can read it to my niece. Then I would surprise her with the ornament.

  43. I would love to win it for my family.

  44. All of my Christmas stuff was lost due to a flood in our basement, would love to have this prize to help replace some of it.

  45. I want to win this for my grandkids!

  46. I would like to win this for my son. This would make the perfect Christmas present.

  47. I would like to win because my grandson would love the book.

  48. I'd like to win this prize pack for me and my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. "Please tell me why you'd like to win this prize pack." Because everyone here would find Bruce likable, delightful, and humorous!

  50. I would like to win this for my grandson, he loves this series

  51. My grand niece would love this!

  52. I think this would be a great book for my nephew. He loves animals, and you're right, the bear Bruce would be a great way to draw him in.

    ellen beck

  53. I would enjoy winning this prize pack to share with the grand kids.
    thank you

  54. Oh I would love to win for our little one. Last year at school they read some of the Bruce books and he talked about them all the time.

  55. This would be great to win for my niece.

  56. I would like to win this for my boys.

  57. I would like to win this book because mu family likes the santa bruce character

  58. Holiday movies are always so funny and great. I think I'd laugh a lot.

  59. I would love to win this to read this book to my son.

  60. this will be so wonderful for christmas time!

  61. I would love to win this for my daughter!

  62. I think my niece would absolutely love this.

  63. I would like to win to donate the book to the school that I work for.

  64. It would be a great addition to our Santa Bruce collection!

  65. I have always been a reader and now I love sharing my love of reading with my two young granddaughters! This looks like a wonderful holiday read!

  66. The Bruce books are super cute and I'd love to add the most recent one to the collection.

  67. I would love to this for my niece! She loves to read and Bruce is one of her favorites! My email is

  68. I think Bruce is the cutest little bear out there. I would love for my boy to read this book.

  69. Would love to win, thanks for the chance! My niece would love this.

  70. I would like to win this one for the kids for Christmas.

  71. This would be such a fun read for my daughter and I could use the gift card for Christmas gifts.

  72. I would like to win as a Christmas gift to my niece

  73. I'd like to win this to share with my grandchildren.

  74. We love all things Christmas, so I know my kids would love this!

  75. As a gift for my cousin! :D


  76. We love books! This title would definitely be something unique.

  77. I would love to win this because I think my friend's daughter would love it.

  78. I want to win so i could give Santa Bruce to my little cousin.

  79. I'd give the things to my friend who has kids, and I get the $$.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  80. It would be fun to have a new tradition with Santa Bruce. My oldest son could probably relate, when he was very small, he refused to get out of bed on Christmas morning because it wasn't morning and he was still tired.. haha!

  81. I would love to win because my little one is going to absolutely love this! Plus, perfect to have for the holidays!

  82. I'd like to win because my nieces love Bruce and would love this!

  83. I would love to win for my daughters. Thank you

  84. What's up, the whole thing is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing information,
    that's truly excellent, keep up writing.

  85. I would like to win this because my twins love Christmas books

  86. My posts keep timing out - sorry if this is repeating. With our wee ones growing so quickly it is nice to see how determined they are in what they say as being the fact. They all like to read or be read to so this will be enjoyed by all and I am certain that their will be new facts told about this story that we may or may not have read.

  87. I would love to win this for my twin grandkids to enjoy

  88. I'd love to win this for my niece and nephew - it looks so cute, and they love books!


  89. my kids love santa and I love reading to them !
