Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Eat Sonic's Delicious Food While Helping Out a Great Cause

There's times in life that just call for comfort food.  I have those days every so often.  I know I should have a salad, but I really want a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake.  Everything is fine in moderation, and you should treat yourself occasionally.  It's hard to eat healthy all the time! The next time you're craving some comfort food, Sonic will be waiting for your order.

Sonic is an American drive-in fast food restaurant chain.  The fun part about the restaurant is that the employees bring your food right to your car on roller skates!  This is one of my favorite parts about visiting the establishment.  I love the nod back to the 1950's and 60's when there were many drive in fast food places.  How does delighting your taste buds with a burger piled high with toppings like chili and bacon sound? Maybe crispy chicken strips and sandwiches or a hot dog in a pretzel bun would be more up your alley.

You can't forget to order sides such as onion rings, tots, fries, or mozzarella sticks to round out your meal either.  It's imperative that you must finish off your meal with one of the 25 shakes Sonic has available. How about vanilla, chocolate covered banana, or peanut butter cookie? This certainly sounds like a meal fit for a king! If you want something sweet, but a little lighter than a milkshake, how about creamy cheesecake bites? I'm drooling just thinking about a meal at Sonic!

For the eighth year in a row, Sonic has launched its annual Limeades for Learning charitable voting campaign.  This opportunity funds $1 million dollars for classroom teaching projects across the country.  Over the course of the next four weeks, Sonic fans and guests can help decide which projects receive funding by voting for projects in their community or their favorites here.  Vote daily for your favorite teachers and Sonic will fund the projects with the most votes at the end of each week.

I always support businesses and establishments that help out the local community.  What better way to give back then by supporting a delicious eatery too? Make your stomach and heart happy at the same time!


  1. I'm so in favor of literacy. I'm an avid reader, and cannot imagine a life without books. And to know there are people out there who want to read, and can't, for some reason, well, that's just wrong.


  2. because nothing is more important than funding our children's education

  3. Learning for Limeades is important for me personally because I live in the perennially underfunded, barely-even-accredited KCMO school district and lots of the projects benefit schools in my area that would never get these sorts of 'extras' if not for programs like this.

  4. I think it is important to support our community and our teachers. It's great The Learning for Limeades will help teachers with classroom teaching projects, which is great for our kids.

  5. My grandson isn't in school yet, but public school teachers need funding and it's wonderful that Sonic is involved with this! Kudos to Sonic! (And you for sharing)

  6. I like Limeades for Learning because SONIC is funding $1 million worth of public school teacher projects September 26 to October 23. And I can vote daily to help out a teacher. What a great way to give back to teachers.

  7. Wrong information in the form. I follow you Feedly Reader through Google as Julie Wood. I get your Sorry for the wrong information in form.

  8. I think this important so that kids can learn more.

  9. This is important because my son is in school and the teacher need as much help as possible.

  10. It is important to me because I know many of my teacher friends work so hard and spend so much of their own money doing things for their students. They definitely need extra money to fund supplies and classroom projects!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  11. It sounds like a great resource for teachers to be able to provide modern technology and make learning fun for their students!

  12. I like that Learning for Limeades will help teachers, that is great.

  13. Literacy is very important. It's great that Learning for Limades supports teachers projects. What a great way to provide our teachers with the resources they need

  14. I think it is wonderful they are helping teachers!

  15. I think Learning for Limeades is important because it gives teachers the ability to get some of their great ideas funded to help their classrooms and schools. It gives them a bigger voice to help our children.

  16. Budget cuts mean that kids get fewer opportunities. That's why this program is so important.

  17. For starters, teachers are not paid enough.

  18. It is very important as it gives classes the money for study opportunities that they may otherwise not get.

  19. It is important to me because I love companies that give back to the community. There are a lot of schools that do not have the proper funds for updated books and supplies. I love that Limeades for Learning helps teachers and public schools.

  20. Limeades for Learning looks like a good program for getting much needed fund into school projects. Many of our schools are tragically underfunded.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  21. I love anything that gets kids excited about learning and helps teachers out with teaching these kids. Brittney House

  22. I'm a music teacher and depend on local businesses to supplement my program! I love this idea!

  23. It is important to me because they give back. I love that about local places.

  24. It's important to me because my mom is a public school teacher and I know she could use help!
    Shiebs24 at

  25. I have a number of teachers in my family and the amount they spend out of pocket on their students each year is shocking. Anything that supports teachers and education is a great deal in my book.

  26. It is important to me because I see first hand poverty in my area and how it impacts children learning.

  27. The Learning for Limeades will help teachers with classroom teaching projects. I love that Sonic supports the schools and community.

  28. Learning for Limeades is important to me because you get to help choose what projects will be funded. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. It helps teachers and children so it is positive.

  30. It's important because this opportunity funds $1 million dollars for classroom teaching projects across the country.

  31. I think that it is really cool that it gives dollars for classroom teaching projects.

  32. It's important because education needs all the help it can get and funding is a big problem. BTW, we finally had a Sonic open but they don't wear roller skates. We were a little disappointed.

  33. Limeades for Learning is a simple way for me to support my local school and the projects that the teachers need funded.

  34. The amount of money teachers have to spend out of their own pocket so students have the basics is sickening - I help teachers out whenever I can.

  35. I think Learning for Limeades is important because so many schools don't have the money needed. Teachers often pay for materials out of their own pockets.

  36. Learning is super important. I think this is one of the best things to put money towards. The education of our youth is a great cause, and I am happy that sonic does this program! I don't think the teachers should have to pay out of their own pockets. Thank you for the chance to win

  37. It's important because teachers need more support.

  38. This project is important to me because my mom has been a teacher for 20 years and knows that schools need the money!!

  39. I think Learning for Limeades is important because teachers often pay for materials out of their own pockets and they shouldn't have to.

  40. Learning for Limeades is important to me and for everyone because it benefits everyone in the complete circle of it's cause which comes full circle. Tons of communities from big to small, town to town, just like a chain link, we get to enjoy great food, we support teachers who work diligently, they support our children who are our future, the children grow up to learn to pay it forward, and the cycle was a great cause for all. I think it's wonderful that great businesses such as Sonic, aim to help others and our communities everywhere as a team.

  41. Oh I think its so important to help our schools in anyway we can. I know the schools do not have enough to do all the things our children need, and I know our teachers spend so much out of their own pockets. This is so wonderful and a great way to give to our schools.!

  42. It's important to me because it gives money to schools to help kids to learn through projects.

  43. I think it is important because it supports our teachers and local schools.

  44. It's important to me because teachers should have the supplies they need without paying out of their own pocket.

  45. It is important to me as both a teacher and a parent. Our schools are woefully unfunded and it hurts our students so much. This money helps our schools to have everything they need without having to worry about the funding.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  46. Limeades For Learning is important to me because it's our community and the business' in it that are giving in order to help educate our children.


  47. This is very helpful to my community because teachers are the doors to this planet's future. They educate the next generation, so we must be helpful and honorable to the teachers.
