Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jilly D Designs Review and Giveaway

It's been a very brutal winter here in the northeast.  We've had temperatures that were below freezing that left you not wanting to leave your home.  Now that it's finally Spring, it's warming up even though it's still chilly.  If you have a new baby like me, you know that it's vital to protect them from the cold.  The key is to keep them warm but also stylish at the same time.  Jilly D Designs is the perfect answer to stylish winter wear.

Jilly D Designs is a business that will soon be up and running.  Owner Jill Davis creates adorable hat and bootie sets for both girl and boy babies.  She began crocheting and knitting at 8 years old.  Jill was the only granddaughter in her family who had an active interest in learning the craft.  In the beginning she was creating only baby blankets, but then had an interest in expanding her talent.  Jill started watching YouTube videos on how to crochet hats and booties.  Since then she's been producing the sets in various colors and patterns.

How does a pink flowered hat with white booties sound? Or if you have a boy, a blue hat with a crocheted baseball would be perfect for him.  Whatever color scheme you decide, your child will look fabulous in a hat and bootie set from Jilly D Designs.

Jill was kind enough to send Scarlett the most adorable hat and bootie set.  Even though it's Spring, it's still in the 30's and 40's and she needs to stay warm when we go out.  This set is quality made and the yarn is very thick and warm.  Rest assured, baby will be snuggly and cozy when going for stroller rides.  If you know someone who recently had a baby, or someone who is pregnant, a hat and booties set would make the perfect gift for them.  Skip a pair of pajamas or a toy, this present will get lots more use.  

Tiny booties for a tiny cutie like Scarlett

I just love the color combination of the red and white together! The colors pair so well together and this set is just beyond adorable.  I love the pattern that Jill has created too, that takes some serious talent! I wish I was able to sew, let alone crochet.  The booties fit Scarlett's tiny feet perfectly and stay on securely.  Lately, I've been putting booties on her feet when we go out because socks are not staying on well.  Whenever she wears socks outside, one always ends up falling off and then she has a cold foot! With booties, they are a lot more thick and stay on better.  Scarlett has no problem moving her feet around in them, and she seems comfortable when they're on her feet.

I am available for modeling shoots on Tuesdays and Fridays between 9:45 AM and 12:00 PM. Contact my agent.

The small flower detail on the hat is perfect for Scarlett since she's a girly girl.  She appreciates small fashionable touches like that.  The hat is slightly big on her but not so large that she can't wear it.  I think she looks absolutely adorable in it, and I know that her head will be protected from the elements when we go out too.  She seems to like wearing it and doesn't fuss much when it's on! I think she secretly knows she looks cute.

We're really enjoying this set and look forward to wearing it until the weather warms up more.  Scarlett's feet are always cold so I think she'd enjoy wearing the booties at home.  If you want to order a set for your baby or a friend's, feel free to contact Jill on Facebook.  


  1. I would love to win purple for my granddaughter.
    Scarlett is just adorable in that!

  2. My neice is having a baby girl in July , so I think pink would be great! Nice gift for someone living in NW Ohio.

  3. I would love a red one. Brittney House

  4. I would love a pink set!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  5. I would like it in the green color.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
