Strider Bikes offers a no-pedal balance bike for children. Their mission is to build lightweight, efficient, all-terrain bikes that develop two-wheeled balance, coordination, and confidence in children. The great thing about Strider bikes is that children as young as 18 months up to five years old old can learn to ride on two wheels! Strider's no-pedal design builds confidence and eliminates fear by allowing children to have their feet on the ground and progress at their own pace. This teaches young children to balance on two wheels right from the start, which avoids developmental delays typical with tricycles and training wheels bikes. The bikes come in colors for both boys and girls and make the perfect holiday or even birthday present.
I was fortunate enough to receive an adorable pink bike for my daughter Scarlett. Even though she hasn't been born yet, she'll be able to ride the bike in the near future! I can't wait until I see her on this bike, it'll be so cute!
I'm pink and fun, what child wouldn't love me?
My husband has already set the bike up for Scarlett, and it's waiting for her in our garage. It was extremely easy to install and came with a tool to assist. He had it set up for her in 15 minutes or less. The small size of the bike is so cute and compact and doesn't take up much room at all. It seems solidly built and constructed and I have no worries about her using it when she's old enough. I absolutely love the cheery pink color and I hope she'll be fond of the color too!
Once Scarlett is 18 months old, I would really like to have her start using this bike. I don't think this age is too young to begin to teach children to use a bike. Strider's philosophy of having children gain self confidence on two wheels is important to me. If my daughter is confident and unafraid to ride a two-wheeled bike, we'll definitely skip training wheels. I also want her to have fun and enjoy the bike too. I'm already imagining her riding around our backyard and complex. I can't wait until that's a reality! The best thing a parent can do for their child is to help them grow and be the most confident person possible.
If you have a young child who would be interested to ride a Strider Bike, why not start them off as soon as possible?
*DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Strider Bikes for providing me with a complimentary bike in exchange for this post. All thoughts are my own.
These are such a great idea. I would love to win a red one for my nephew.