Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Clearly Filtered Giveaway

Water is one of the best things you can give your body.  Now that it's summer and extremely hot out, staying hydrated should be one of your main priorities when outside.  There's nothing like a cold, refreshing glass of filtered water.  Since I'm pregnant, I'm required to drink a lot of water a day.  I've noticed my skin looks better and I have more energy, which is a wonderful plus.  If you don't currently drink a lot of water, it's important that you start. Your body will thank you.

Clearly Filtered offers the latest water filters on the market.  They allow you to have the cleanest and safest waters while eliminating chlorine fluoride and heavy metals.  The product line-up includes many water bottles and pitchers to choose from, depending on what your needs are.  A wonderful feature of Clearly Filtered's products is that it eliminates up to 99.99% of chlorine reduction in water while other products simply reduce it.  If you choose Clearly Filtered, you know you will be drinking the cleanest water possible.  If you're a big outdoorsy person, purchasing a water bottle that holds 21, 27, or 28 gallons would be a great idea. Go ahead and give Clearly Filtered a try today!

One product in particular that everyone should have in their fridge is the Pure Filtered Water Pitcher.  Can't you just imagine cool, crisp, and clean water at your fingertips? Now that's a reality every day.

All you have to decide is which glass to use.

A great feature of this pitcher is the color.  Since it's white, it's very easy to see how much water is left and when you need to refill it.  The filters last for up to 200 gallons which is approx. 300 fill ups.  You should replace the filter every 6 months or when the water flow becomes restricted.  As with all of their products, the pitcher is made from 100% BPA free, non-leaching Tritan plastic.  If you're worried about chemicals or unnatural materials, here's one less thing you'll have to worry about.  Pour yourself a big glass of water and enjoy the day.


  1. We have hard water, so it would be nice to have filtered water and save money on bottled water.

  2. just the picture makes me thirsty.

  3. My water has chlorine and floride in it. Yuk!

  4. I always like to drink filtered water

  5. We drink a lot of water in summer, so we need this!

  6. Excellent - with summer weather we are making lots of ice tea. I filter the water which helps with the taste.

  7. Water is our house wine.

  8. The fridge water pump is clogged.

  9. would love to win this, I drink a lot of water and don't like the taste of faucet water and I love my water super cold.

  10. We live in a town with alot of chlorine in the water.Would love to get that out of my tea!

  11. It would save on the bottles of water that are our house's staple.

  12. This is perfect since the water in the apartment has a certain taste and this will filter it better

  13. we have so many people in our house we go through water soooo quickly!

  14. I love filtered water...cheaper than buying bottled.

  15. We plan to take a road trip soon, so a portable water pitcher with filter would really be great- saves a ton of money1

  16. I love drinking filtered water. You can really tell the difference between tap and filtered.

  17. We do not have a fridge with a water dispenser so this would be wonderful. thank you

  18. The city water where we live has horrible stuff in it.

  19. My frig is new, without a water dispenser. This would be a nice new addition to my new frig.

  20. Our tap water rarely tastes good and it would be so nice to have this in our fridge with filtered and good tasting water for a change.

  21. My fridge needs this because we drink alot of water.

  22. It would be nice to have this because it would encourage us to drink more water knowing that it is filtered, instead of having to buy bottled water all the time.

  23. We would love fresh water that we could easily pull from the fridge instead of tap water- shaunie

  24. we drink a lot of water during the summer and having cold filtered water readily available would be great for my kids

  25. Our tap water has this awful metallic taste to it. This would be so great to have!

  26. I would love to be able to cut down on buying bottled water !!!

    ktgonyea at gmail dot com

  27. my current roommate is moving out and she owns the pitcher. i hate tap water. ick.

    danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. Right now I'm drinking tap water and would like to switch to filtered water to remove chlorine and other chemicals that I've been consuming.

    Hope to win!

  29. We would love to win this because we recently gave up soda and are only drinking water.

  30. I have one already but mine is getting old, i'd like to try this one before I buy it.

  31. We need this because we are always going through bottles water
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  32. I think this option in the fridge is better than the soda or other sugary drinks that have been in there.

  33. We drink lots of water at our house and having a pitcher would save us time from refilling water bottles.

  34. My water smells so we do not drink it out of sink, my fridge is old and something like this would be great to keep water in :)

  35. I need a new one. I have one that is another brand and it's time to change the filter but the filters cost more than the pitcher did

  36. Because we drink a lot of water in summer :)

  37. We live in a rural area with well water and not good well water we buy a lot of bottled water this sure would save me some money

  38. We are always needing to refill our single pitcher; our boys go through a lot of water.

  39. My family just had to dispose of our old water filter pitcher... so this would be great to fill it's spot! :)

    (Sara S)

  40. I would like this because I do not currently have a water filter.

  41. I injured my back yesterday and had to be taken to the hospital. I swore while I was getting admitted to the hospital that when I got home my family and I were going to start living healthy again (my divorce has upset our routine lifestyle). I know that drinking more water is a great, simple thing to do to get healthier.

  42. I have given up soft drinks and am drinking much more water. I would prefer that it be safer and taste better that the local tap water.

  43. My fridge needs a water filter, because I do not have one and it would be wonderful!

  44. we need this because we love water in our house its our favorite drink this would go along good here

  45. the tap water here is icky, and due to my medical problems, I can't pack bottled water into my apartment.

  46. This would be great we drink a lot of water but it is usually bottled because the tap does not taste good

  47. It would save on the bottles of water

  48. i had one of the big water systems but the spout broke

  49. My fridge needs this because our tap water smells like a swimming pool.

  50. We drink a lot of bottled water in our home. This would be perfect for us to use to cut down on the cost of water and is definitely more eco friendly.


  51. We really prefer drinking purified water.
    Brittney House

  52. We moved to a place where the water isn't the greatest.

  53. The water in this coal-mining area of Kentucky tastes terrible. My husband & I buy bottled water but it gets so expensive.

  54. My grandson just moved in with me. We live in Arizona and we drink lots of water. I am on a very tight budget and cannot afford to buy bottled water.

  55. We drink a lot of water so this would be great.

  56. My sister needs this because the water in her apartment is nasty

  57. We drink a TON of water...and my husband won't drink tap unless its filtered, so we could definitely use this!

  58. we have hard water. it is so gross and unhealthy for me and my kids. I would love to have nice clean purified water.

  59. This would keep my water fresh and is cheaper then bottled water

  60. we drink a lot of water and we need it to be filtered for it to be okay.

  61. I need this because we drink lots of water and our faucet water tastes disgusting so we buy bottled water.

  62. Water right out of the faucet tastes so gross!

  63. I heart the cold, H20 after returning home!

  64. We love drinking filtered water, its healthy for myself, and my family to drink. I loved reading your take on this.

  65. Our tap water is pretty gross

  66. I hate the egg water at my house. Bet this little buddy would work great!

  67. We are all about pure water in our house, and we don't have one of these.

  68. I need this because we don't currently get filtered water in our house. We have to drink tap.

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  69. Lauren Olivia WoodJuly 21, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    My fridge needs this because our fridge's filter does not always have a working filter.

  70. because our countyy water is terrible tasting

  71. My fridge needs this because we don't have another source for filtered water. Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. my fridge needs this because I work outside for a living and drinks lots of water so it would be great to drink filtered water to get out all the baddies since I am a cancer survivor

  73. The water in the apartment complex is gross. We ended up buying a filter for the kitchen sink but the woman next door is on a limited budget so I end up filtering more for her so I would give this to her as a gift.

  74. i always keep water in the fridge but we need filtered water so we can be healthy!

  75. I do not have a water softener in my absolutely no filtration as the water comes from the well. We have so many sediments and minerals in our water it's almost undrinkable without some sort of filtration pitcher or aparatus.

  76. My fridge at work needs this because the tap water is gross and we don't have a water cooler.

  77. We need this to keep the water clean and tasting great.

  78. We need this because we currently don't have a filter.

  79. We need this because we drink an awful lot of water during the summer.

  80. Dianna Martin -I would like to get this so I would not have to drink plain tab water.

  81. I need this in my fridge because it will help me drink more water!

  82. Having a frosty pitcher of filtered water in the fridge would help to encourage the whole family to drink more water. It's especially important this time of year when we are out in the heat so often.

  83. We need this because our water really tastes terrible.This would be a great improvement.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  84. Fresh water makes me feel better

  85. i need this because i waste so much money and its really bad for the environment on how many water bottles i go thorough.

  86. I would love this and clean water. I usually buy bottled water which gets pretty costly

  87. We drink a lot of water. Since we don't drink tap water we buy a lot of bottled water. The pitcher would be great.

  88. I don't have a water dispenser in my fridge and drinking from the tap seems kinda weird. This would be awesome to have clean clear drinkable water in the fridge at all times.

  89. I need to drink more water, having this in my fridge will remind me to drink more often! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

  90. Our water just does not taste good, it need to be filtered to be palpable

  91. I don't have anything like this to filter my water, so I would love to own this.

  92. I will not drink tap unfiltered water!

  93. Because our city water is awful.

  94. Thanks for the giveaway…our neighborhood has had it's water main / pipes, etc. replaced recently, but the taste is still "off" !

    Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

  95. I would love this to help filter our water that we use for our coffee maker.

  96. Because even though i have a water dispenser in my fridge, my city water, which it's hooked up to, leaves something to be desired for!!

  97. this would be great to have because we buy water right now cause our well water is not very good and smells bad
