Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Neater Feeder Giveaway

Honestly, nothing is more annoying than a pet who is a sloppy eater and makes a big mess. My dog constantly spills water and food from her bowls onto the floor.  I seem to always be cleaning up behind her.  Wouldn't it be nice if us pet owners didn't have to worry about a messy kitchen floor any longer? The Neater Feeder hears the concerns of pet parents and wants to make your pets eating experience a revolutionary one.

Neater Feeder guarantees you no more messy floors.  This unique pet feeding system for dogs and cats allows your pet to get every last drop of water and food without making a mess on your floors.  It's time to take the mess out of meal times! The unique design of the feeder allows spilled water to drain onto a lower reservoir, while food is contained on top. You also don't have to worry about accidentally knocking over food or water bowls either.  If your cat likes to play in their water dish, you no longer have to worry about wet walls or floors, which I'm sure will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief.    Neater Feeder comes in many sizes for cats or dogs, and is offered in bronze or cranberry.  Your pet will give you a woof or meow in excitement when meal time rolls around!

Look at me, I'm beating you! I'm almost done eating. 

If your pets food bowls are worn or getting old, why not upgrade to a Neater Feeder? Your pet will certainly appreciate it.  If they are initially apprehensive about the change, just put a couple of treats in the bowl to coax them over.  They'll love the set in no time.  You can rest easy knowing that meal time no longer equals mess time.


  1. I want to win this because we have 5 dogs and they are MESSY. Thanks for the chance.

  2. My daughter is a new dog owner and Id like to win for her.

  3. I have 3 dogs and they are so messy I am always picking up dogs food I think this bowl would be perfect for them and me and save my back!

  4. this would be great for my senior springer spaniel to have her bowl elevated off the floor some

  5. I have several cats and 2 of them have had teeth removed or lost so they tend to drop food out their mouth while eating so this would be very helpful in keeping things neater.

    alyce poalillo
    apoalillo {AT} hot mail dot com

  6. My puppygirl slobbers all over when she is drinking, so there is always water on the floor around her dish.

  7. We have 3 dogs and could use this to keep things clean!
    Thanks for the chance.

  8. my dog is a giant pig when she eats.. and shes only 15 pounds!

  9. my dog is a giant pig when she eats.. and shes only 15 pounds!

  10. I would like to win because our Lab is a messy eater and I am hoping this will keep the area tidy and make it easier for him to eat.

  11. I would love to win this because my dogs are not the cleanest eaters in the world and I think that this will help.

  12. I would like to win for my cat who is messy, especially with her water.

  13. I would love to win this because my dog always makes a mess when he eats!

  14. We've got two very, very messy cats. This would be a godsend, as well as a visual upgrade from their current dishes.

  15. I love the Neater Feeder products and would love to have one for my little Maggie May! She currently eats out of two sadly mismatched bowls.

  16. I would love to have this because our dog is a pretty messy eater!

  17. My little guy needs some new dishes.

  18. i have two cats that are really messy and a dog who is messy as well. this would be great for either of the pets

  19. Mitsy is such a messy eater! I'd love to win this for her!

    Rafflecopter name: Nicole Vosburgh

  20. My kitty spills her food everywhere! This would be awesome! ! :-) fingers crossed

  21. I would love this my kitty spills her food everywhere!

  22. I would love this as my dog is getting older and feels different everyday. This works thanks for the chance.

  23. My 2 dogs are slobs--this would save a lot of clean up!!

  24. I'd like to win to help my puppy boy to have a pleasant feeding experience. He's a wonderful rescue pet that joined our family 19 months ago and is a senior. He's since become completely blind. He has a hard time finding the dish and this would make eating easier for him.

  25. I would love this for my beagle...She always makes a mess when she eats and drinks.

  26. My cats are messy eaters, one cat dribble water all over and the other cat if he does not like it he flips it to the side, I think that this in bronze would be wonderful for them.

  27. I'd love to win this because I have three absolutely adorable kitties who would thoroughly enjoy this serving dish and as their human mommy I would too. My kitties can be a bit messy and this looks pretty cool. I like that the food and water are off the floor and that they don't have to avert their necks very far.

  28. Our dog, Sadie, makes a mess, but it is too cold for her outside. I'd love to have one of these for her.

  29. I'd love to win this for my pup who is a rather messy eater! :) Thanks for the chance!

  30. I would love to win because we have two dogs, and this would come in handy.

  31. I want to win this so I can keep the mess from getting all over the floor. My house is small and I think this would be great for me

  32. I would love to win this for my daughters 3 dogs..they are always making a mess on the floor

  33. I would love to win the Neater Feeder because we have one sweet dog and two fun cats. The cat's feeding area is a multiple times a day clean up. One of the cats is a messy eater. Thanks, Chris treehouse.queen18 (at) y a h o o (dot) com

  34. One of my dogs always splashes in her water bowl before she drinks. I would love to win a Neater Feeder so that I don't have to constantly mop up after her.

  35. I would love to win. I have 3 cats and 1 dog. The cats are messier than the dog!

  36. This would be perfect for when the relatives bring their puppy over for a visit. They wouldn't have to bring special dishes for him.

  37. I have 3 dogs and they are so messy ... this would be perfect :)

  38. I would love to win the cat Neater Feeder for my feline kids. The two sisters can be very messy and I would love for them to have a more organized dish.

  39. the dog is very messy. i could use this.

  40. id like to win because my pup is so messy when she eats

  41. id like to win because my pup is so messy when she eats

  42. I would like to win because my dog is a very very messy eater!

  43. My cat puts his paw in his water bowl and splashes.

  44. my 6 fur babies make a mess everyday

  45. I have 3 cats that play with their water bowls

  46. I have 3 cats that play with their water bowls

  47. Would love to win My yorkie is such a mess with his food and water. I've gone through about 4 food holders in less than a year because he's always scratching them and biting them. This would be great for my yorkie. Perhaps he is the pickiest little boy and this would totally change his opinion

  48. I'd love to win this for my dog. She's been a part of our family for 13 years and is getting very old. This would make it easier for her to eat and not make a mess.

  49. I'd love to win this for my dog as he is messy when he eats.

  50. I would like to win this because my dog always takes a mouth full of food and dumps in outside her bowl.

  51. I would love to win this so that I can wake up in the morning & not find pet food all over the kitchen floor.

  52. i would like to win because our dog makes a huge mess when she drinks and eats

  53. because my kitty likes to get food all over the floor

  54. So when they are looking for the little white chunks in their dog food (those are their favorite bits )they won't make such a mess

  55. I have 3 dogs and their all different types and sizes and this would help me with the clean up mess they make

  56. i would like to win because i have a messy dog eater hahaha lol she gets food all over the floor and the wall when shes eating and when she goes for water it spills all over the floor also its really bad

  57. I have such messy eaters so this would be great for them. I'm tired of cleaning up after them! Lisa L tylerpants(at)

  58. My dogs are such sloppy eaters so this would be perfect for them
