Giftly is an alternative gift card website chock full of many options to choose from. All you do is choose the amount you want to spend, then you select what kind of Giftly you'd like. How about a mani-pedi at any nail salon, coffee at any coffee shop, dinner at any restaurant, movies at any theatre, or even champagne at any restaurant? Of course that's just the beginning of all of the Giftly options! As you can see, there's a nice selection for you to consider. After you decide, you then can send the Giftly via email, text, print-out, or a high quality greeting card in the mail. If you choose to send it via email, you can choose the color theme of the Giftly as well as write a personalized note.
Once the recipient receives the Giftly, they can then enter in the code from their Giftly to redeem it. They can receive the funds to their debit card, credit card, or PayPal account. I think this is more convenient than a physical gift card, because you're less likely to lose the money once it's on your account. You can forget about a giftcard, lose it, or even let it accidentally expire.
If Mom's birthday is coming up, why not treat her to a Giftly to her favorite French restaurant? Maybe your sister would love a movies Giftly to see the new flick that she's been dying to see. However way you look at it, Giftly will make any recipient happy.
*DISCLOSURE* This is a sponsored post on behalf of Giftly. All thoughts are my own.

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