Mother's Therapy Organics are natural cleansing products for young, sensitive skin. The product line-up includes kids hand sanitizer, germ fight'n hand lotion, baby lotion, and travel size hand sanitizer. The sanitizers have a 99.99% germ-kill ratio. The company uses the purest organic and natural ingredients that have quick-dry properties. As the natural alcohol evaporates, it leaves behind a skin-softening aloe vera based lotion which become infused into the skin. No extra rubbing is required. The best part is that since this is non-greasy, it can be used as often as needed without the worry of damage to sensitive skin. Trust Mother's Therapy Organics to keep the germs at bay.
Nothing is easier and more convenient than throwing a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse or book bag for on-the-go use. Clip it onto a purse or duffel bag. Don't worry about touching something dirty and having to wait to wash your hands, those germs will be killed and replaced with the pleasant scent of cucumber. These hand sanitizers come in a handy pack that will keep the whole family safe from germs.

It would be great to have this during the cold and flu season.
ReplyDeleteTo keep us from getting sick.
ReplyDeleteI need this because I'm a teacher who does not want to get sick.
ReplyDeleteWe go through a ton of hand sanitizer. I could always use this.
ReplyDeleteWe are a family of 5 and there is always someone getting sick. We are always making sure we wash our hands and use hand santizier when we are on the go.
ReplyDeleteWe need to win this prize as my husband has had a stem cell transplant and so has such an infant immune system that just a cold could land him back in the hospitlal. We have to use hand sanitizer to help keep him safe. Having these with us would make it an ease to use where ever we are.
ReplyDeleteThis would be great for my kids and I when we are out in public. There isn't always a sink nearby.
ReplyDeleteI don't want spread my germs around and to help save from others germs.
ReplyDeleteMy whole family suffers from dry, aching, cracking hands.. especially in the cold weather. I would love to be able to try this product and see how well it works on our skin. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis would be great to win for when we are traveling
ReplyDeleteI work in a small office and we can spread germs easily, and my daughter picks up germs at school, and my husband at his work. Hand Sanitizer is perfect for this time of year.
ReplyDeleteI always teach my children to wash their hands. This would be great for them.
My daughters and I are always touching door knobs handled by sick people, hence an hand sanitizer is needed.
ReplyDeleteHope to win!
We need to win this one to keep us healthy this winter.
we need to win because its cold and flu season!
ReplyDeleteWe need to win this because cold and flu season is here and these would be great to use on the go.
ReplyDeleteMy family needs this because we have been sick so much already this year and my daughter is asthmatic.
ReplyDeleteWe've had so many colds/viruses this year - really could use this to help prevent more!!~
ReplyDeleteI have 2 little kids who feel the need to touch EVERYTHING when we're out. This will help keep us all from getting sick
ReplyDeletecaryn9802 at yahoo dot com
I have 3 kids and I need to keep them healthy and clean of germs this winter. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMy family really needs this because the cold and flu season is coming and hand sanatizer could really help cut down on the germs.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who is immune compromised- and this would come in really handy for her! hanovertomato at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeletei am due with baby #4 in less than a month so keeping germs down is good.
ReplyDeletewith three curios kids we go through a lot
ReplyDeletewe are always using it
ReplyDeletewith 3 kids in school, we need just to fight cold germs
traceyj40 at
My kids get sick often and I would like to do everything I can do to stop it from spreading.
ReplyDeleteBrittney House
I work with the public
ReplyDeleteWE just had one awful flu go through the house. I never paid alot of attention to using hand santitizers but after this flu, I am taking them really serious. I had never been this sick in my life. I swear I got it from Wal Mart. Now when I go shopping, I always use them. This would really do me good on keeping from getting sick.
ReplyDeleteI need to win as the flu and cold season is here and with two young children I want to take all the precautions I possibly can!
ReplyDeleteLaurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
We need to win this because my child is in school and constantly brings home colds.
ReplyDeleteWe need to win because my son has eczema and can't use normal hand sanitizers.
ReplyDeleteWe need this prize because i have 3 grade school kids who are germ magnets! :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like in the Winter, we all take turns passing/getting sick. I could always use more sanitizer!
ReplyDeleteI would like to win this prize because I think it is important to keep your hands sanitized especially when you are out and about and not able to wash them as often as you should.
ReplyDeletekathyluman @ gmail dot com
we go through so much hand sanitizer in my house it's not funny. My son will not go anywhere with out a bottle. This brand looks nice i would like to try it
ReplyDeleteI am a teacher, and my husband works at a golf course where he handles money. With three kids, our entire family needs this!
ReplyDeleteWe could always use sanitizer to kill germs and protect ourselves from getting sick. You never know what germs linger on door knobs, railings, and anything else touched by multiple people throughout the day. I think everyone should carry hand sanitizer with them and use it frequently to avoid getting and spreading germs that can make people sick.
ReplyDeleteit will help us from getting sick.
My oldest son goes to a school with 30 students in his kindergarten class alone. He is always bringing home some sort of a bug..this would be helpful for us.
ReplyDeleteNew baby coming in may and this will really help us from
ReplyDeletePassing germs to one another!
My family needs this to avoid germs.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great travel item to have.
ReplyDeleteThis would be a great travel item.
ReplyDeleteWe seem to always be sick in the Winter so this would be handy! tylerpants(at)
ReplyDeleteI work in an environment where I am surrounded by 300 middle schoolers who think it's okay to sneeze into their hands and touch everything around them. Sanitizer is a MUST
ReplyDeleteFor the cold season.