I give a cup about spending time with my beautiful baby dog Carolyn.
I give a huge cup about cookies.
I give a cup about traveling.
I also give a cup about my fiance.
There are so many more things that I give a cup about too. My life is full of happy cups! Peet's Coffee wants to know what you give a cup about? Give A Cup is the Internet's very first social sampling experiment.
Joining in on Peet's discussion is easy to do. Simply visit www.doyougiveacup.com and vote on the topic of the week. The topics are always interesting and thought provoking. They are usually light-hearted, fun, and current. Your votes will determine where Peet's will host their next sampling event for their new single cups.
People give a cup about so many things, it's time to have your voices heard! Get those fingers ready to do some typing! Whatever you give a cup about, make sure you tell your story.
*DISCLOSURE* This is a sponsored post. All thoughts are my own.

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