Jungle Island is a wonderful interactive theme park where you can meet some of nature's most amazing creatures. What I love about Jungle Island is that it's not your typical zoo. You're not going to see only bears, elephants or giraffe's. You will see beautifully colored macaw birds, prarie dogs, lemurs, kangaroos, 150 pound tortoises, goats, and so much more! Everywhere you turn there is something new and exciting to lay your eyes on. Jungle Island has fantastic interactive shows where you can meet the animals up close and learn more about them. This theme park is a great place to take your family and it's very educational for children.
I had been to Jungle Island once previously, about 16 years ago. I didn't remember much about it. Since I'm a big animal lover I didn't see why I wouldn't like it again. I was able to go again this past Friday.
From the minute you walk into Jungle Island, it's like being in the jungle! You're surrounded by a beautiful lush green forest filled with parrots waiting to meet you and be fed! I was able to feed a bird and it was very gentle with me. It took the bird food right out of my hand. It even said hello to me too! I loved that. The placards below the bird's enclosures give you great information about them and explains their breed very thoroughly. I loved seeing all of the brightly colored birds and being exposed to types I had never heard of previously.
Polly want a cracker?

Feeding the bird
Me holding a bunny!
There were park workers walking around with animals that you could hold and touch. Some of them were too adventurous for my taste, like a snake and a gator! I did hold a bunny and a Chinese silky chicken though!
As you made your way through the park you were able to see different exhibits of animals. The signs were easy to follow and large so you wouldn't miss them. The park was very clean and well organized. All of the park workers were friendly and willing to help you with anything that you needed, or questions you may have. I had two very cool experiences while at JI. I was able to go into the petting zoo and give a goat a bottle, and I also was able to touch and be near a kangaroo! I don't think I could do these sort of things anywhere else! Certainly a once in a lifetime experience. You can buy a bottle of watered down gatorade for $2 to feed the goat. The goats were very friendly and as soon as he saw I had a bottle he didn't take his eyes off me, or it. He certainly loved it! The kangaroo was very soft and I enjoyed seeing them hop around their enclosure. The one I pet really liked it. He sat down and let me pet him for a good two minutes. The cost to go in the enclosure with the kangaroos was $5 and you could stay as long as you like.

After I checked out some of the animals, I made my way to a show, "Doc Wasabi's Wild Adventures." This was a fun and interactive show where you were able to meet different animals and learn more about them. I didn't know that most of these animals existed, so it was interesting to find out about their species and learn facts about them. The show workers do a fantastic job of engaging the audience and making sure everyone has a good time. The shows offered at Jungle Island are all different, for everyone's varied preferences and taste.
A pretty shot of the park
Everywhere you turn, there was something new to see. Monkeys swinging from bars, a herd of flamingos in their enclosure, penguins in their cage, and a 150 pound tortoise too! There is certainly never a dull moment while at Jungle Island!
Look at these Flamingo's!
He loves this bamboo plant
I loved seeing all of the families and children at the zoo. The kids were so excited about the animals and you could see they were having a fantastic time.
One of the coolest things that I experienced while nearing the end of my visit was the orangutans. Oh no, these weren't just your typical orangutans. These orangutans were painting!!!!! I was amazed! They have a stick in their mouth or hand and the workers hold a canvas up to their enclosure and they paint on the canvas through the bars. I had never seen anything like it before and I absolutely loved it. The best part was that you could buy their artwork! Of course I had to purchase a picture. I couldn't leave the park without it. The staff working in the orangutans area were very friendly and even let me custom choose my colors for the canvas, which I appreciated. I chose the colors I wanted and soon after that I was watching orangutans art come to life! You could tell they enjoyed painting and really wanted to do it. They never once walked away or seemed like they weren't interested.
This is the finished artwork! How cool is it? I love it! I have a space on one wall in my living room that this picture will be hung up on. This is a fun and very unique conversation piece. No picture is the same either!
I had a fantastic time while at Jungle Island. I highly recommend it if you and your family are planning a visit to Miami, Florida in the future. It's fun for all ages and you will walk out of there with new knowledge and lifelong memories.
*DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Jungle Island for providing me with complimentary tickets in exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are strictly mine and not based on anything else.

*DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Jungle Island for providing me with complimentary tickets in exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are strictly mine and not based on anything else.

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