Mystery Box Shop is such a fun and unique concept. They sell mystery boxes in a range of different sizes that you can buy. Each box contains a certain amount of guaranteed items. The bigger the box, the more items inside. The contents are acquired from estates, storage units and salvage freight. What's inside each box is guaranteed to be worth more than you pay. What the best part of the box is that you can pick one meant for a man, woman, girl, or boy. With this choice you'll be sure that you won't receive army figurines meant for a 6 year old boy when you're a 50 year old woman. Mystery Box Shop donate a portion of their sales to the American Cancer Society, which I think is fantastic.
I received a mystery box in the mail on Saturday. I was very excited when the mailman delivered it. It had some weight to it and I could't wait to open it! What could be inside? A candle? DVD's? Maybe jewelry? Who knows! I found the scissors and got to work opening the box.
This is what I saw when the box was opened:

I received the 4th season of Alfred Hitchcock presents on DVD, warm fuzzy socks, a ceramic pumpkin, a piece of jade, a book, a paint your own bank, Star Trek trading cards, solar dancing daisies, and a collectible coin. Not pictured is a shark tooth and some other coins. I also received a tiny vial with pieces of a Nantan meteorite inside! The paper inside provided some history of the meterorite.
As you can see, I received a nice collection of items. I had a lot of fun going through each item as I went through the box. My favorite item is probably the meteorite, that's very cool. I like holding a piece of history in my hands! The book looks interesting and I will definitely be reading it in the next few weeks. I am also interested in the Alfred Hitchcock DVD, I love a good mystery! My boyfriend was interested in the Star Trek cards. The solar dancing daisies are cute and I could put them on a windowsill. The socks are very warm and cozy and perfect for the upcoming fall weather. I know a little girl who would love the paint your own bank too. I'm not sure what I will do with the jade and collectible coins, might just be fun to hold on to them. The ceramic pumpkin is perfect for displaying this fall.
All in all, I enjoyed my mystery box. This would be perfect for buying for a friend or relative for Christmas or their birthday. The best part is they will have no idea what's inside, and neither will you. Make sure you ask them what they received!
1. I will be picking ONE (1) winner for this contest. One winner will win a regular mystery box from Mystery Box Shop guaranteeing 10-15 items.
YOU MUST DO THIS FIRST or all other entries will be DELETED!
2. Please tell me what surprises you hope your box holds when you win. (1 entry)
3. Subscribe by Email and Confirm that Subscription (1 entry)
4. Subscribe to Sammi's Blog of Life in a Reader (1 entry)
5. Follow me on Blogger. (1 entry)
6. Follow me on Twitter (www.twitter.com/pinkice88) (1 entry)
7. Leave a Tweet and the direct link to that tweet (1 entry) (You can do this daily)
8. FOR 5 EXTRA ENTRIES - Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and come back and leave the link to your blog post. Post FIVE separate comments that you've blogged about this.
9. Add my main button to your sidebar (if it's already there, let me know that! Leave link to your blog.) (1 entry)
10. Add Sammi's Blog of Life to your blogroll (using my URL), with a link back to me! (1 entry)
11. Become a fan of my Facebook fan page for 1 entry (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sammis-Blog-of-Life/307593407356)
12. Like Mystery Box Shop on Facebook for 1 entry
Winner will be chosen on October 1st, 2012 at 10 pm and then will be emailed.
One entry per day.
Alternate winner will be chosen if winner does not respond after 48 hours. Thank you and good luck!
I was provided a product in exchange for my review. All thoughts and opinions are strictly mine and not based on anything else.
You can read more about my blog policies in my disclaimer.
Sammi's Blog Of Life Follows All New FTC & Facebook Laws for Reviews & Giveaways.

I hope the box has some jewelry or hair stuff in it!
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GFC: Super blogger girl!
twitter: @JLLERAS
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FB liked yours & mysterybox Sarah Barnes
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GFC prncesssarah02
<3 <3 <3 i would hope for some jewlery makeup? whatever i got would be amazzzzing!
Healthy snacks! gfc eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteItems I'd love to see in my mystery box: books - especially mysteries, arts and crafts items, kitchen items, and food items!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
1.I hope the box has some sort of makeup items, jewelery or a movie like yours.
FB: Melissa Nix
ReplyDeleteLiked your page and Mystery Box
Twitter: mel85rose
Following you.
A candle would be nice. I love candles!
ReplyDeletea mystery - book or DVD
moisturizing lotion - either hands or body
hair stuff! shampoo, conditioners or even a new brush
fingernail polishes or lip glosses! amazing how many color choices their are
and not to be repetitive but you simply can't go wrong with chocolate
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ReplyDeletetjandbcd at optonline dot net
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tjandbcd at optonline dot net
following on twitter
A good cozy mystery, a coffee mug, some yummy cocoa and maybe marshmallows to add to it.
ReplyDeletelkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would like to find a pack of gum, some hospital socks, a Dr. Grip pen with refills, some Cafe Escapes kcups, a clean washcloth and a tiny book of quotations.
ReplyDeleteI hope the box has a picture of Chris Hemsworth in it.
ReplyDeleteA fun DVD our family can watch
ReplyDeletemannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com
like your page on FB - Marianna B
ReplyDeletemannasweeps (at) gmail dOT com
Love to find healthy snacks, office supplies and jusst surprises. I love surprised.
Something for the Fall Season...maybe a pumpkin candle or something :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance.
I'd love some fun jewelry.
ReplyDeletetwotil at yahoo dot com
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ReplyDeleteI hope the box has cute jewelry or kitchen gadgets
i'd like a necklace
i like you on fb susan v
i follow as mverno via gfc
I hope there is a variety of stuff in there. Hopefully some smell good stuff and jewelry!
ReplyDeleteI following you on Twitter @ithinkthrifty
ReplyDeleteI would love the warm fuzzy socks and a good book for the cold winter ahead.
ReplyDeletecandles, socks, or craft goodie
ReplyDeleterierie11booger (@) yahoo.com
I would want like a candle or a book1
i LIKED you on fb under rab pom
I liked mystery box on fb under rab pom
I follow you on twitter @RABPOMM
i tweeted:
I hope the box has some Halloween items in it!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on twitter!@melissanorton3
ReplyDeleteLiked you on Facebook! melissa jnorton
ReplyDeleteLiked Mystery Box Shop on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI hope mine has a candle.
ReplyDeletelisa.blogs2 at gmail dot com
Blogger/GFC follower: Lisa Blogs
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ReplyDeletelisa.blogs2 at gmail dot com
A TV DVD. I love those.
ReplyDeleteboris dot cynthia @ gmail.com
DVD :)
ReplyDeletektgonyea at gmail.com
Trinkets I can use to gussy up my desk at work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I tweeted your giveaway! https://twitter.com/melissanorton3/status/250327928871718912
ReplyDeletetoys for the kiddos.
Makeup would be fun!
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
I follow you on blogger as sweetsue.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on twitter as ptowngirl.
ReplyDeleteI fan you on FB as Susan Chester.
ReplyDeleteWould love to find a dvd to watch and enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI love the solar powered dancing flowers - they are so cute
ReplyDeleteI'd love to maybe find DVD, bath and body products, cute little items like the dancing flowers, or lots of great surprises
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Follow you on Twitter - @Annabellainla
ReplyDeleteannabella @ centurytel dot net
Follow you on Facebook - Mary Ann Cloud
ReplyDeleteannabella @ centurytel dot net
Follow the Mystery Box on Facebook - Mary Ann Cloud
ReplyDeleteannabella @ centurytel dot net
I would love for it to have a good movie!
ReplyDeletereklaw422 at hotmail dot com
I like you on facebook.
ReplyDeletereklaw422 at hotmail dot com
something silly like an old Archie's comic book
great snacks would be awesome!
I'm a space geek so I'd love a box with a meteorite vial like you got!
ReplyDeletekaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
Candles and books!!!
I'd hope for a book that i hadn't heard of but would enjoy reading :)
ReplyDeletelittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
im your twitter follower as @emilyreviewscom
ReplyDeletelittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
im your fb fan as emily evert
ReplyDeletelittleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
I love that you got a piece of a meteorite in your box. That would be fun.
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to your email.
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I would love if it had some cookies! I am a sucker for cookies lol
ReplyDeleteI like coupons to try food that I've never had before!
I hope mine has a good book.
twitter fan bbrittbrat1398
gfc brittney house
Lotion, or beauty good would be nice. I am addicted to makeup lol.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter - @samiialexxis
ReplyDeleteI liked your FB - Samii Alexis Meyer (Samantha Meyer)
ReplyDeleteI liked mystery box on facebook - Samii Alexis Meyer (Samantha Alexis Meyer)
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm surprised by any season of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. I remember watching the b&w TV show and it was great. I'd also like to be surprised by a Corvette...just kidding. Marcus
ReplyDeleteflashlight13114 AT yahoo DOT com
i would love some jewelry
ReplyDeletemadamekf at aol dot com
I would be surprised with anything but Jewelry or Snacks sound awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love socks. I would be surprised if I got dog food. (no dog)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest.
FB like you: Slehan
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ReplyDeleteGFC: slehan
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ReplyDeleteI would like to find...one...million...dollars! lol Seriously, I do love fitness things and estate sale jewelry. Would love some of that!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on twitter - choochoo428
ReplyDeleteTweet - https://twitter.com/choochoo428/status/252752272440848384
ReplyDeletei would love to find a nice new bath and body product that i haven't ever tried, that i end up loving and always using!
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
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follower on gfc susansmoaks
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your twitter follower @fdp4life
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI would love it to have a candle! jenniferpeaslee at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteid love to see any jewelry or dvds
ReplyDeleterss google feed subscriber
google friend kathy pease
ReplyDeleteI am hoping for candles or makeup
follow Sammi's on twitter as @SarahYurga
follow Sammi's on Fb as Sarah Elston Yurga
I hope to get makeup, books or dvds.
I like you on facebook
I like mystery box on facebook.
I hope my Mystery box has, candles, DVD's, Mystery Books, Personal itmes, shampoo, ball cap, makeup- perfume, jewelry......
ReplyDeletechrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
Something like a meterite would be cool, my son loves science but I would like makeup
I like you on FB- jessica schueler
I hope it has an interesting book or a good bar of chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI would love some cute colorful jewelry!
ReplyDeletejessicaahays at hotmail dot com
I hope it has something really neat and historical - a great coin maybe? I'd also love some funky retro jewelry!
I follow on blogger as Mnemosyne
I follow you on twitter @missmnemosyne
Like Sammi's Blog of Life on fb as Auri Lae
Like Mystery Box on fb as Auri Lae
A DVD of an old, classic movie. sleveene@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for some food items, toiletries, or jewelry.
ReplyDeleteI love surprises, so anything will leave me thrilled- but Alfred Hitchcock? That would be the ultimate!
ReplyDeletetridingermckee at gmail dot com
I subscribed by email
ReplyDeletetridingermckee at gmail dot com
Following you on twitter as @wordromancer
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Liked you on facebook as trisha ridinger mckee
ReplyDeletetridingermckee at gmail dot com
I hope there is a gift card in it.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping for some beauty items and jewelry. buddygarrett53@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of your Facebook fan page.
ReplyDeleteI like Mystery Box Shop on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI would like to find some vintage jewelry and some old coins.
ReplyDeleteLuckyTJG at cs dot com
I'd be happy with a good book that I haven't already read.
ReplyDeleteholly dot oehrlein at google dot com