Red Laser is a secret tool for the smart shopper. Using the free app is easy. Just download it on your smartphone and get ready to ensure that you'll receive the best price possible on the item you want to buy. It can be annoying to think you're getting a good deal on an item that you bought, but then you later found out that a different store carried it for much less. With Red Laser, this will never happen again!
The app allows you to scan or search for items to make sure you have all the information you need. You'll find product details, ratings, and price comparisons. If you're looking to buy a major purchase such as a new computer, furniture, or even a new dishwasher, this would really come in handy. You'll save time and gas money but not having to go to different stores to compare prices. Everything you need is right in the palm of your hand.
Just line up the bar code in the finder window and it quickly scans it. A screen pops up that includes local and internet prices for the same product! Within a few seconds you'll know whether you're getting a deal or whether you should do some more pricing research. The finder works in moderately low light or even when the barcode is upside down. This is one smart app! The app has thousands and thousands of barcodes, but it can't guarantee that every single one is in the database.

I recently used Red Laser to compare a camping tent from a few big box stores. I was able to find the best deal possible in a matter of minutes. I'm happy with the tent and can't wait to use it this summr. The process was easy and frustration-free!
As you can see the comparisons and pricing come up clear and easy to see and understand. This app is extremely popular and has been downloaded over 20 million times!
If you haven't previously downloaded the Red Laser app before, why not download it today? Save some money and buy that new fridge that you've been eyeing!
*DISCLOSURE* This is a sponsored post from SheSpeaks/RedLaser. All thoughts and opinions are strictly mine and not based on anything else.

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