1. I'm from the south. I lived in North Carolina until 2005. I've lived in New York City since 2006.
2. I'm an only child.
3. I'm very anal about my clothes and prefer everything to look its best 100% of the time. I hate stains and wrinkles.
4. I'm not exceptionally good at cooking but I really love it. I'm a big fan of baking and have a large sweet tooth. I also watch the Food Network endlessly.
5. I don't have a dishwasher in my apartment. It's one thing I complain about everytime I have to wash dishes by hand.
6. I hope to one day be able to travel to Europe. England, France, Italy, and Australia are all on my list.
7. I'm a very loyal friend and am always there when someone needs me.
8. I love 80's music and TV shows.
9. Some of my all time favorite movies are Riding in Cars with Boys, Practical Magic, Big, Almost Famous, and Walk the Line.
10. I'm obsessed with Craigslist. Every single job I've ever had, I've gotten off of Craigslist. Half of my apartment is furnished with Craigslist furniture too. I can always find a good deal on there.
11. Apples are my favorite fruit.
12. I'm a choco-holic.
13. I'm a nightowl.
14. I love to laugh and am usually very silly. Some of my favorite comedians are Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin. I also love Denis Leary and Dane Cook too.
15. My dog Colby, who lives with my parents is 13. We've had her since she was a year old.
16. I've never been to the West Coast.
17. I've been entering sweepstakes since 2004. Once I started this blog it became hard to do both. My biggest prize to date is a 2007 Volvo XC-90 SUV that I won in July, 2006 through a McDonald's Pirates of the Caribbean contest. We sold it for college tuition.
18. I absolutely LOVE to blog. This is the only thing that I've done everyday for practically two years. I usually can't stick to doing something everyday but this really has made a huge impact on my life.
19. I've made a career out of social media both in my professional and personal life. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter founders (sorry I don't know who you are!) Should I thank the Twitter bird too?
20. I dislike orange juice, gravy, mayonnaise, mustard, pepper, salt, and cream cheese. I'm also not a big fan of eggs.

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