is a company that is devoted to purity, comfort, and outstanding products. Their products are strictly organic and they are composed of; pillows, mattresses, crib mattresses, toppers, bedding, and foundations. All of the products are guaranteed to provide you with ultimate comfort.
I was thrilled when Savvyrest agreed to let me review their queen contour pillow. The pilllow came very quickly and I couldn't wait to try it out.

This Soft Dunlop molded shape has a higher rounded edge along its length for extra neck stability. The lower edge permits you to alter position when needed and the center hollow gently cradles your head. Approximate height: 4.5” (Taken from website.)
I used this pillow the same day I received it. From the minute I put my head down on this fabulous pillow, I could feel the difference in my neck immediately. On a standard everyday pillow that is not contour, when you put your head down it automatically goes closer to the mattress. Obviously by this fact, your head is not going to be supported as well. With the contour pillow, you will not have any neck pains and your spine will be kept perfectly aligned. My face is less pushed against the pillow with the contour than a regular pillow, and I truly believe that people who are concerned about wrinkles would be delighted with this finding. The feel of the pillow is soft and plush. The pillow case comes off for easy washing and laundering. I'm sure I will be truly happy with this pillow for many years to come. I highly recommend this pillow, and it's less expensive than going to a chiropractor.

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