I was recently watching an episode of Cupcake Wars on the Food Network and saw the work of Sweet E's bakeshop featured on there. The cupcakes looked delicious, and I knew I had to ask to review them!
Lo and behold, I get to review three delicious cake pops!
Sweet E's is a bakeshop based out of Los Angeles, California but you can order the treats online too. This bakery offers brownies, cookies custom creations, cakes and more! They offer something unique called "Cake Pops." These pops are so cute and very unique! They are delicious mini cakes on a stick that are dipped in chocolate and beautifully hand decorated.
The pops that I received were: chocolate chip cookie dough, red velvet cake, and vanilla white chocolate.
Here are some pictures of them, get ready to drool!!

Here's an example of Sweet E's personal customization. Anything you want can be written on your cakes, cookies, etc. An S (for Sammi) was put on my pop. How cute is that? :)

These pops are just beautiful! They come wrapped very nicely in a white box with a pink bow. Each pop is individually wrapped and can be stored up to 2 weeks without needing to be kept in the fridge. I think that's great because it won't go bad if you don't finish it right away. I know I would eat the whole thing immediately! I tried the chocolate chip cookie dough flavor and it was AMAZING. The chocolate flavor is very prominent, but not overly sweet. I also loved the cookie dough pieces too! Eating these pops reminds me of eating a candy apple, the pop is the same size as the apple and they are both on a stick. I think these are great for on the go, and you don't even have to worry about needing a plate either! I know I will be sad when these are gone!
You can purchase Sweet E's treats at www.sweetesbakeshop.com

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