1. How was the idea for your blog created?
I originally started blogging about my life and my daughter after a while I discovered that was a little bit boring so I decided I wanted to review products. I still blog about life once in a while, but I'm mostly a review blog.
I chose the name because I LOVE the Duggar's and their show "19 Kids and Counting". I want more children so with time my name will change accordingly. I loved the name at the time and I still do.
2. Did you ever think your blog would be as big as it is right now?
Never. I remember looking back at blogs that were half my size and thinking they were huge. Now they're much bigger than that, but I thought they were huge. Come to find out they weren't that big at all.
3. What were the struggles and challenges of starting this blog in its early days?
It really wasn't all that challenging. The hardest part was getting more followers so I could get better sponsors.
4. What was the first item you remember having the chance to review, and being very excited about it?
My first review item was a Hip-T I had already won. My first shipment of review item was Piggy Paint for my daughter's nails. The most exciting review to date was the Rabbit Air Purifier!
5. Is there anything you won't review?
If it's something I know I won't use then I won't review it. Adult things I do a general review of the site as I try and keep my blog as family friendly as possible.
6. What was your strategy for gaining followers?
This is a hard one as I'm not totally sure. I do have my blog linked in my signature on 2 other sites. I also link my giveaways on a few different sites. online-sweepstakes.com as well as blog linky's. I think this was really my strategy. I didn't do much else besides this!
7. Anything else you would like to tell me
Thank you for allowing me to answer these questions for you!

Great interview, Heather! You give me hope! :D