Popcorn Indiana was inspired by the gourmet kitchens of Dale and Thomas popcorn (which is delicious too!) PI comes in a range of different flavors including: Original Kettle Corn, Smoked Cheddar Cheese Kettle Corn, Aged White Cheddar Kettle Corn, Sea Salt Popcorn, and Movie Theater Popcorn.

I was sent Original Kettle Corn, and Cinnamon Sugar which I am not sure why is not on the flavor list. They were both DELICIOUS. I don't eat popcorn a lot, and when I do eat it I always wonder why I don't eat it more often! The cinnamon sugar was really good, and the flavors were not too overpowering. I don't like when you eat something and it's so sweet you can barely eat it. This was just right, and the flavors didn't mask the popcorn taste either. The kettle corn was great too! It was sweet and salty in just the perfect combination! It's hard to put down the bag of popcorn, but it is all natural and zero trans fat which makes it easier not too, haha!
This popcorn is a lower-cal snack which is important. It's not a covered in butter, heart attack waiting to happen snack. This is something you can eat and feel good about!

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