I received this great award from Stacey at SurveyJunkieGiftguide.blogspot.com. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
1. Put this award on your blog, whether as an entirely new post like this, and/or on your sidebar.
2. Choose 15 other newly discovered bloggers that you love, and award them with this.
3. Send them a message/comment to let them know.
** These are the 15 lovely blogs that I've recently happened upon that more than deserve this great award:
1. The Red Ritter - http://theredheadriter.blogspot.com/
2. It's Me Melbie - http://itsmemelbie.blogspot.com/
3. Show Me Mama - http://showmemama.blogspot.com/
4. Star Impulse http://starimpulse.blogspot.com/
5. Sammi's Blog of Life -http://wordsearchpuzzledreams.blogspot.com/search/label/Giveaways
6. Mom 2 my 6pack- www.mom2my6pack.blogspot.com
7.Bizzi Mommi's Blog - http://bizzimommi.blogspot.com/
8. Lady Bug Mama of 2 - http://www.ladybugmamaof2.com/
9. Smart and Trendy Moms - http://www.smartandtrendymoms.com/
10. New Age Mama - http://newagemama.blogspot.com/
11. The Husailey Bunch - http://thehusaileybunch.com/
12. Angela's Bits - http://www.angelasbits.com/
13. Mamabzz - http://www.mamabzz.com/
14. Born 2 Impress - http://kidzborn2impress.blogspot.com/
15. A Little of this and a little of that - http://www.alittleoftheother.com/

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