Vitalicious sent me the sampler pack which includes:
Assortment of 100 calorie natural muffin tops and brownies:
4 Low Fat Deep & Velvety VitaBrownies
2 Low Fat Chocolate Mint VitaTops
2 Low Fat Banana Nut VitaTops
2 Low Fat Double Chocolate Dream VitaTops
2 Low Fat Deep Chocolate VitaTops
2 Low Fat Fudgy Peanut Butter Chip VitaTops
2 Low Fat Golden Corn VitaTops
2 Low Fat CranBran VitaTops
2 Low Fat AppleBerry VitaTops
2 Low Fat RaisinBran VitaTops
2 Low Fat BlueBran VitaTops

The brownies are great, but had to be frozen right away (I am not sure why this is, since the other products didn't need to be frozen upon reciept.) Everything tastes really good, although you know the chocolate vitatops are my favorite! I love that these are only 100 calories! You get a lot for 100 calories too. Normally, when I think of 100 calories, I think of 1 or 2 TINY little cookies that are featured in Nabisco's 100 calorie packs. I love that I can eat these and not feel guilty about ruining my whole day by eating something fattening or very sweet. Thanks Vitalicious! I recommend these to anyone whether they are on a diet or not!

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